The BrandIntellectual Property

Below is a non-exhaustive list of trademarks and service marks owned by KUPPON related to our brand. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. If granted permission to use our marks in publications or promotional material, please include the appropriate ™ or ® symbol on at least the first use and on those subsequent uses where the marks appear prominently. For publications or promotions distributed outside of the United States, use of the ™ symbol is acceptable. Alternatively, you may use the trademark legends in the forms listed below instead of the trademark symbols. Thank you for respecting our trademarks and helping to maintain their integrity.

Trademarks Legends

  1. For registered trademarks: KUPPON is the exclusive registered trademark of KUPPON LLC and is used with permission.

  2. For unregistered trademarks: KUPPON is the exclusive registered trademark of KUPPON LLC and is used with permission.

The Logo

To further protect our intellectual property rights, we ask that you indicate that our logo is copyright-protected. You can do this by using the combination symbol “™&© KUPPON LLC” or by including the following legend in addition to the trademark symbol: Copyright 2023 KUPPON LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Please note that the omission of a product, service name, or logo from the above list does not waive any trademark or other intellectual property rights related to that product, name, or logo. We take the misuse of our trademarks seriously and if you come across a website or app that uses a KUPPON LLC. trademark inappropriately, we encourage you to report it to us at [email protected]. Your help in identifying and addressing such misuse is greatly appreciated. Thank you for respecting our intellectual property rights.

Default Logo Style
Contrast Logo Style
Dark Logo Style
Text only Logo Style
Icon only Logo Style
Horizontal Logo Style
AI Icon only Logo Style